Mission Statement
The Inland Empire Photography Club’s mission is to operate a photography club for the exclusive use and enjoyment of its members in order to promote interest, knowledge, experience and enjoyment in the art and science of photography through presentation, practice and sharing of experience of its members. And to foster personal growth, expression, creativity, excellence and ethical conduct in all aspects of photographic endeavor.
In May of 2011 we held a meeting for those who expressed an interest in photography with the view to possibly forming a club. The interest level and attendance was high and we quickly formed an official board. The months following have resulted in this club which had its first meeting in August, 2011.
As of January, 2012 we had a permanent location for our monthly meetings and are happy to have purchased a Laptop computer, a digital projector and viewing screen. This made it possible to offer guest speakers each month and share our photos from outings and monthly challenges at the meetings.
We presently have over 100 members in the club and are still growing. Many friendships are forming within this group of enthusiastic, talented, photographers. One of the great advantages to this club is that we have many skills levels within the group. We learn from each other. You will find our club members very willing to share their knowledge with you. Come join us for inspiration, growth and friendship.
We welcome photography enthusiasts of ALL levels and any camera. We encourage guests to attend our meetings to find out what we are all about, and we hope you stick around and consider becoming a member.
Board of Directors
Dan Collins, President
John Tobin, Vice-President
Laura Corsun, Treasurer
John Gosz, Secretary
Open Position, Media & Communications
Orlando Carreno, Membership
Kim, Outings & Field Trips
Dawn Collins, Programs & Workshops